The Vintage Club is a club for the future, a presentation of self interest and letting it reflect in what you wear. A unifying name that brings a exclusive community together with a common agenda.

We’re so excited to announce we’re coming out with our own merch! We still and will continue to sell vintage pieces (we always be our main thing) but the idea of building a community through our own clothing sounds like an idea to good to pass on. We went with the idea of “The Vintage Club” for a number of reasons.

- Firstly, we love how it sounds. We will always love “retro Laundry” but we felt limited in the concept but in saying that, we still want to incorporate retro laundry in the design process.

- We wanted a name that brought like-minded people together and could unify the community in a common interest.

- We wanted a name that was inclusive and had a obvious ring to it in terms of what it represented.

 The Vintage Club represents your own self expression, we just happen to want to do that through clothing. We didn’t think retro laundry was going to have quite the same impact thus further explaining why we landed on that name for our merch.

 Retro Laundry will always be the back end of The Vintage Club and as we grow, we want you to grow with us. If you wear vintage, you’re different. We know that and now want you to represent it.

 We have events planned for the future that will be filled with live music, bevs, merch and obviously vintage! We also would love to bring to light other peeps artistic expressions whether it be through art, dance or other interpretations. We want to build a community where we are able to grow together.

 We have a sign up link in the linktree on the bio of our instagram (retro.laundry) and we’re excited for you to join us in our journey!

If you got to the end of this, send us a DM and we’ll give you a cheeky retro laundry voucher! 


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